Why People Love To Hear About Conservative Vs Liberal

By Cornelia White

It is sometimes great to know the facts about conservative vs liberal since these are the two major groups in American society. Both groups love to face off with each other from time to time but sometimes their discussions can become very ugly. Whenever they talk about mixed couples, abortion, gun control or gay marriage there will always be hell to pay.

Anyone knows that republican people will become very annoyed when they hear someone mention the word "abortion." Everyone who is involved within the republican party will always keep every child that is born into their family no matter what the cost may be. They consider themselves to be true Christians who would never do anything against an unborn child.

Embryos are not seen as humans to many people who vote for a democratic President every four years. This specific group of people believe that a woman has the right to obtain an abortion if she chooses to do so. They will make sure that every abortion clinic is made available for women throughout the entire country. A woman who is only a few months pregnant can easily still have this procedure.

A right wing person could never see themselves living with or marrying someone who is of a different race or culture. These people believe that they have to preserve their own race and never stray with people who have a darker skin tone than theirs. In many ways they feel that their race is in jeopardy once they have mixed with someone who is of a different color.

People who live among others in peace will not look at the race of another human being. These are individuals who will always reach out to human beings of another color. Back in the 1960's this same group became famous for marching with the great Martin Luther King Jr. At times these people will find themselves in the most violent arguments because of their beliefs.

There have been so many shootings across America within the school system and people are very tired of these tragic events. A good traditionalist does not care about the victims of the mishaps since none of their family members were involved. Throughout the year the NRA would make sure that these individuals had all of the weapons that they could want within a lifetime.

People who vote for a democrat that is running for office will never support the NRA. Many of them live in reality and they know that guns can be very dangerous in the hands of a very unstable person. Unfortunately many of the victims in these shootings are usually people who do not own a gun and they had voted republican in the past.

In the end conservative vs liberal should always be around for a very long time. The two groups feel that they are both correct in their beliefs and nothing will change their attitudes. When it comes to gay marriage these two parties really disagree on this particular subject. People towards the left are for these unions while people on the right are against them.

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