Biblical Interpretation Principles For Rightly Dividing The Word

By Dorthy Lloyd

When reading the bible, it is important that you go about interpreting scriptures correctly. This is the main way you will be able to grow as a Christian. There are several principles of biblical interpretation that will help you when it comes to rightly dividing the word. You do not need to attend a biblical college or have theological training in order to apply these principles.

The original intent of the author is a huge consideration when considering what a particular passage means. Ask yourself what the author meant to communicate to his original audience. Keep in mind the historical and cultural background of those times. Use Bible commentaries and study guides to help you gain a better understanding.

Do not take a passage out of its original context and try to interpret it in isolation. This will probably lead to a misinterpretation of the text. Instead, what you should do is to study the text before the passage and the text after the passage, to gain a comprehensive understanding of what is going on in the passage you are studying. You should also keep in mind what the context of the book you are reading is and what the main message of the whole book is.

Use scripture to interpret scripture. If a particular text is not clear, consider other scriptures where the same text may have been referred to elsewhere in the bible. This will give you a clearer understanding of what is going on in the text. Also, keep in mind that the bible does not contradict itself. If it appears to be doing so, then it probably means that you are not interpreting that particular scripture appropriately.

The style that the book has been written in is important. This is because different stylistic devices have been used to write different sections of the Bible. To understand what a particular passage says, you have to understand the style which it has been written in and know how to correctly interpret that style. This may take a bit of hard work and in some cases, it may take a trained theologian to understand some difficult aspects of the passage.

In some cases, the surface meaning of the text is its true meaning. There is no other meaning. This applies in cases where the text is quite straightforward. Don't attach additional meaning to passages where no additional meaning is required.

Try and understand the language used and its meaning. This may require that you study the original meaning of different words in Hebrew or Greek. This is because English words may translate differently and slightly change the meaning that the original author meant. You can use study guides to help you.

Apart from the logical analysis of scripture, you need illumination from the Spirit to understand the word. Take time to pray before you begin the study of the word. Depending on the Holy Spirit doesn't mean not studying at all but prayerfully doing so.

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