Is There Life After Death Occurs?

By Jordan Schmidt

We all have questions regarding our existence. Where did humanity begin? For what purpose do we exist? Why do we die and is there life after death? Indeed, the questions are numerous and some are very difficult to answer even for the brightest amongst us. In a scientific study aimed at answering the question of whether or not there is life after death, a number of patients who suffered heart and technically died at least for a brief period of time were studied.

A good number of patients said that they had been aware of the events that were taking place during resuscitation. They could feel the pressure of the chest compressions and the instructions being issued by the team leaders during the event. Another group reported that they experienced a peaceful moment and saw a bright light move towards them. Others say that they experienced violence and discomfort.

The biggest challenge here is that it is very difficult to ascertain the truth behind these accounts. There is a high probability that these visions are greatly influenced by the beliefs of the subjects. For instance, if you believe that there is suffering after death then it is likely that you will have an unpleasant feeling. The reverse is also true. In other words, these ideas may simply have resulted from the subconscious mind.

Many different religious beliefs related to dying and its aftermath exist. It is generally believed that there is another existencr after we die. The promise of an afterlife is perhaps the biggest determinant of membership to religion. There are many contrasts as well as similarities among all the religions that believe in the presence of life after death.

In many of the religions, is a belief in a higher power, God. The higher power is the giver, maintainer and terminator of all life on earth. All death is according to plan and once we die the soul is separated from the body. The soul moves on to the afterlife and the body decomposes. It is believed that all living things have a soul.

Christianity and Islam have significant similarities with regard to the afterlife. In both religions, there is a belief in both heaven and hell. All people who die are judged by God and rewarded accordingly. While there is an eternal life for everyone, one group is destined for enjoyment while the other is destined for eternal suffering. The desired eternal life is only for the righteous.

Other groups believe in immediate ressurection after one dies. The dead come back in different forms, usually as animals. This phenomenon, a belief of the Hindu and other religions, is known reincarnation. The form of reincarnation that takes place is also said to be strongly hinged on the deeds of a person when still alive. Buddhists do not believe reincarnation of a soul. Rather, there is a stream of consciousness moving from one body to another.

After many years of research, the events that surround death and its aftermath remain a mystery. It has not been possible to scientifically prove whether or not life exists after we die. Nobody ever comes back with evidence of what lies on the other side.

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