America Has Issues With Same Sex Married Life

By Michelle Howe

There is really nothing unique about same sex married life. Many people who are in these relationships consider themselves to be just as normal as everyone else. The two partners who have decided to join in this holy union are very happy with their lives and they do not bother about what other individuals have to say.

Sometimes men who are in these relationships have jobs that are part of the professional world. They can also hold onto a position better and strive to be the best that they can be in any given work situation. Sometimes you will find them at the local hospital working as nurses, doctors, clerks or even the chief administrator. After getting a good nights sleep these people are always ready to return to their very secure jobs with gentleness in their hearts.

In the beginning the duo may have had many negative comments made to them by their parents and other close relatives who were very religious. Bible thumpers are all around the globe and they can make things very difficult for someone with other beliefs. These people also stick to the notion of Adam and Eve when it comes to any kind of matrimony.

Employers who own private companies may have even threatened these people with termination or some other form of harassment. The United States seems to be filled with individuals who are not open to people who are different and this seems to be more of a problem in the very closed minded southern citizens. They continue to keep things in the past and may even travel to other countries in order to spread hatred.

There are quite a few famous and not so famous gay people who stay in a closet while they perform their jobs. Many uneducated people who do not know enough about homosexuality will resort to violence. The more educated people tend to live in many northern states and they are more open to others who seem quite different.

Other countries may in fact be more tolerant than the United States when it comes to these unions. After all of the negative things are worked out the couple will usually adopt children to make their lives complete. In many cases these male partners will sometimes have to get a healthy child by using a surrogate.

In many places two men will have to settle for a child suffering from AIDS or some other type of illness since they do not get first choice at the so called "normal" children. That is why the surrogate program is very important to them. Two women on the other hand can carry the baby themselves and will usually visit a sperm bank to make this event happen.

Men who are involved in same sex married life will tell anyone that it is no laughing matter. They are constantly fighting society's ignorance which seems to be ongoing. Their lesbian counterparts have less stress and are lucky enough to have the ability to produce children.

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