Current Conservative News Blog And Other Resources

By Tanisha Berg

There are politicians whom love, and those who hate, propaganda. With America approaching election season in the coming years, there will be a great deal of propaganda distributed online and off. While a great deal of election propaganda is useless, there are some aspects which could prove quite helpful in the right situation. One of the best of these conservative outlets is that of the Current Conservative News Blog.

While there are several websites on the internet dedicated to conservative right wing politics, there are fewer with regards to real conservatism. In most cases, real conservatives are libertarian in nature while holding on to right wing conservative values when it comes to finances, land ownership and others.

One particular newsletter, that of the Right Wing Newsletter often focuses on these and other differences between the party. In large part, it appears as of late all the conservatives in America care about are repealing Obamacare and getting rid of Obama. While this has been the case since the beginning, some have even now gone as filing a lawsuit against the President, one of the first of it's kind.

Democrats, republicans, Tea Party, the Green and Independent parties are generally all part of an election. Seems though that while the Green and Independent parties have often been overlooked in the past, the Tea Party, okay with some republicans will be more likely to get attention in the 2016 election than those in the past.

Like other conservative news outlets, these blogs and newsletters will no doubt be scouring the Obama family and administration for any sign of scandal. The birth issue has been one in works for quite some time. From fake pictures on Facebook, to rumors of non-citizenship, this president has not had an easy ride. With this being the last year and a half of the presidency, Mr. Obama already faces a lawsuit and continued animosity over Obamacare by citizens on both side of the issue.

The upcoming election will no doubt give way to many more conservative news blogs, newsletters and newspapers throughout America. With one of the most anticipated elections in history, it will be interesting to see the match ups between the democratic and republican parties. Whether the race involves a woman candidate or otherwise, there is no doubt it will be an interesting one for liberals and conservatives alike.

For others, voting opposite a parental party could actually lead to financial distress. While sad to think this is the case, there are a number of father's and mother's who would just as well a see a democrat written out of the family than remain a part of the family with liberal ideologies. While there may be some legal aspect on the part of the individual to repeal this type language in the Will, most often a Will, if amended to change the distribution regardless of the reason is most likely always going to take precedent.

Whether conservative or liberal, republican or democrat, tea or green party member, the goal is generally the same. To vote for the individual who will lead America forward in education, health care and prosperity. There are also those who will run on a platform of peace over war and freedom over rule. All of which are expected not only in the upcoming election but all elections held in the United States of America.

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