Numbers Indicate That Most Clients Prefer Individual Counseling

By Jocelyn Davidson

Although each person has preferences, one on one counseling is most often preferred. In group therapy, the participants share the same or similar problems. For those who want individual counseling in Port Charlotte FL, it is readily available to provide assistance with the disorder you are suffering from.

There may be a psychologist who combines individual sessions with group sessions. Therapy to help with a sensitive problem is often better administered on a one to one basis. There must be a bond of trust established between counselor and client.

The first office visit will establish whether or not that trust can be built. It is not the fault of one or the other if it cannot. In some cases two people simply do not feel comfortable with each other.

You may be seeking therapy to deal with an intimate sexual problem. In that case, it may be easier discussing it with a same-sex counselor. For example, the male with erectile dysfunction may prefer to see a male therapist.

Counseling sessions will focus on both personal and interpersonal interactions throughout a persons lifetime. Concerns might include employment, development and organizational skills. The topics of social, emotional and health status are also likely topics.

People are assisted in improving their lives in general by reducing stressful situations. Counseling provides help with getting through a life crisis. Mental disorders are taken into account as they relate to normal developmental issues.

It is difficult to name the specific number of sessions that will be required. It may begin as a planned number. Then other concerns may arise that require a longer time to resolve. The duration always depends on the needs of the client.

For example, a phobia, which is a fear of something, may be relatively easy to deal with. Thus, it may require a shorter duration of sessions to resolve. Those who are afraid of flying often begin with one on one sessions. Then they may convene in a group session in which they visit an airport and board a plane to simulate the real-life experience.

A very irrational fear, such as being afraid of a stationary object, may be more difficult. First, it would have to be explored to discover what caused the fear to develop. This may require remembering a childhood experience buried in the subconscious.

A hypnotherapist may be the ideal counselor to handle this situation. The hypnotherapist will be licensed to practice as a psychologist plus have additional training in hypnotherapy. During a session, disturbing memories may be unearthed that have to be confronted and resolved.

A psychologist and psychiatrist may work together to help one client. When the client requires medication to control a disorder, bipolar for example, the psychologist cannot prescribe it. The psychiatrist, being a medical doctor, can provide the prescription. By caring for this client concurrently, the best results will be attained.

The relationship established between therapist and client is important. It must be carefully balanced to avoid the client developing an unhealthy dependence. It is not a friendship. However, the client must know that the therapist does care about his or her well-being.

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