What A Believer Needs To Know About Christian Prophetic Guidance

By Etta Bowen

Christians are faced every day with the task of making decisions. They believe in looking to the Bible for guidance. This is because it gives instructions on how they are supposed to live their lives. However, not all answers are found in the Bible. For this reason Christian prophetic guidance is sought. This is a way of getting guidance by hearing the voice of God.

When a person is under the guidance of God, there is normally strong prophetic guidance. This assures one that the message they receive is truly from God. God is fully aware of the struggles and hardships that this life has to offer. During these times, it is very important to hear his voice. It is like a drop of water while under the scorching desert sun.

Prophetic guidance is somehow a confirmation of what you already know. That is what has been revealed. Only those in a relationship with God can receive this sort of guidance from the Holy Spirit. This enables them to know His voice. Believers should be cautious when they hear new information that they have no idea about.

This ministry is meant to guide rather than predict. Guidance occurs when a prophet describes the situation an individual has to deal with and how he or she needs to maneuver. This is a good way to know the will of God. This helps you do what is right for you and right according to your creator. This helps both the person and the church.

Not all prophets are called by God. Those who have been called have particular characteristics. Apparently, they do not state what will happen in the future. They just bring to the attention of people what the scripture means. They say that the Bible is the standard of teaching and correction and should teach this wherever they go.

The prophetic ministry can play an important role in worship. Those who speak of the wonder and glory of God can inspire believers to worship. Prophets can also speak words to strengthen and comfort people. This is important in the church especially in times of trouble. Dreams and visions can also be interpreted. Daniel is a good Biblical example of this.

A prophet may offer advice on the appropriate time to pray. This generally is because he knows what God is doing and knows where prayer is needed. They also offer correction in the society that they are in. Their role also involves exposing bad leadership in the church. Most times the people in church are too loyal to the religious leader to correct him.

Prophetic guidance is offered by prophets. This obviously is because they know the heart and mind of God. They stand before people as one who has stood before God. Their words are considered powerful and effective. Those who believe in them seek their direction compared to other individuals who assume that they are just fakes.

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