8 Signs That It Is Time To See A Psychologist

By Kristen Baird

When sadness, stress, grief and internal conflicts feel intense, many people are confused about what to do or what is happening in their lives. Studies by psychology institutes have concluded that the largest percentage of those who should seek help shy away from it. These institutes have suggested that when you see the following signs, know that it is time to visit a psychologist Billing, MT.

Everything feels intense- sadness and anger are normal feelings from time to time. The problem arises when they are accompanied by negative and extreme perceptions. The anxiety becomes debilitating and super-sized. This indicates that you should seek psychological therapy.

Unforgettable traumatic experience- losing your job, witnessing death or going through breakup are very traumatizing incidences. However, this feeling should fade away with time. You should begin to feel concerned when it begins to affect your work, social interactions and normal activities. In some cases, the response is intense engagement. You will need the support of a therapist to regain your normal life and address issues soberly.

Unexplained headaches, stomach upsets and weakened immune system- the physical body is a mirror of your emotional and psychological health. Diminishing sexual drive, persistent headaches and random stomach upsets point at deeper issues that require attention. Watch out for neck pains and unexplained muscle twinges and report them to your doctor who will recommend therapy.

Deteriorating performance- negative feedback from your boss or colleagues may result from psychological or emotional issues. You will feel disconnected and loose attention and concentration. This will cause your quality of work to slip. Professional assistance is required at the earliest opportunity.

Loss of passion- there are hobbies that used to define you. In other cases, you were the most enthusiastic organizer of parties or social gatherings but are no longer interested. You now lack the purpose to organize or attend and in fact, the thought of attending makes you feel sad. The best course of action is to see a therapist.

Failing personal relationship- a person under stress cannot communicate properly. The presence of your relatives or partner is also likely to elicit irritation and lack excitement. Most depressed persons withdraw or have unexplained bouts of silence. This will strain your relationship if urgent intervention by a therapist is not sort.

Friends can see your condition- a close friend is able to identify when you are not OK. Most of them will not tell you until it has become totally abnormal. You will begin to hear them inquire if you are Okay or ask if you are talking to someone about your situation. Others will ask and claim that they are just concerned. This means that the condition has gone beyond you and can be seen without you saying it. Book the next appointment with your doctor.

Turning to substances- most people under stress or depression try to drown the feeling through over indulgence. They may turn to drugs and other substances or may just over eat and over drink. This arises out of the desire to take care of your feeling. Experts recommend that you should see a doctor before things get out of hand.

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