Evangelism And Fellowship Through The Christian Social Network

By Enid Hinton

The virtual world has taken over a big chunk of the social environment for most people in the world today. Most individuals who have access to the internet have established at least one account with these sites. They find the convenience of maintaining links and establishing new ones without having to leave the comfort of home appealing. Like everyone else, Christians have a need to socialize and it is for this reason that a Christian social network is so important to member of the faith.

A social networking site for Christians is important. The virtual world is another aspect of life in the modern world. Christians have established physical spaces, designed to fulfill their own unique needs. There are Christian social events such as concerts and clubs that offer an alternative to the secular parties and clubs. The virtual socializing platform should be viewed in a similar light.

These sites are great for fellowship. Fellowship plays a significant role in the life of each Christian. It is through fellowship that faith based experiences and thoughts are shared. This type of interaction often encourages those who are faltering or wavering to remain steadfast.

The fact that the platform may be designed for Christian does not usually exclude non-believers from membership. This makes the space a great place for evangelism, another crucial aspect of a believer's life. When visitors to the space get exposed to the fellowship and testimonies of those who have already been converted, they too may decide to make that bold move and join the faith. There are also many persons who are struggling as they contemplate giving their lives to the Lord. They often search for sites like these for encouragement and support.

Travelling to foreign countries is not something that is restricted to non-Christians. Christians leave their homes to work study and minister in different countries. This takes them away from the people they love and websites like these allow them to maintain contact. When contact is maintained in this fashion, the strain that distance places on the relationship is reduced.

Friendships and romantic relationships are also fostered by these online spaces. Since many persons of similar faith share the space, it is more likely that a believer will find a friend or partner through this source than many secular ones. The relationships formed through this medium are rooted in faith and this is a challenge for many believers. They are unable to find suitable partners as they are not compatible with those who are in their congregation and they do not wish to form relationships with non-believers.

Christians who form connections with other believers through these virtual spaces are afforded the opportunity to remain abreast of the global situation in Christendom. This means that the challenges and successes experienced by believers in other countries can be shared with others. This allows believers to pray for the pressing needs or provide assistance here necessary.

The benefits offered by these virtual spaces are plain to see. Advantages exist or believers as well as non-believers and this is one of the great things about these websites. This is why so many of them have been emerging in recent times.

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