How Tamock Military Order Is Important To Christians

By Harold Scott

Vice has to be treated with vigilance, because some of its manifestations are a constant presence in Christian lives in the present. Vice has a broad range of classifications and they are abroad and thriving in the world, and where found are powerful agents of the Demiurge. One class of this evil province is domestic, things that grow in the home, including gratuitous violence, promiscuity and intemperance.

Gluttony is one such vice that can be listed in this category, and it is about overeating, a psychological incapacity in those who practice it. The Tamock Military Order is a sodality that lives with the fundamental tenets of early Christianity, and is currently trying to help Christian regain order in their lives. The Bible, especially the New Testament, is filled with excellent passages for lessons in daily living that serve as guides to an order with many names across history.

The early Christian fellowships all lived according to a strict daily regimen, not strict in the sense of being disciplinarian, but strict in the sense that they followed the rules of Godly living to the letter. These communities followed monotheist philosophy and studied how climate, nature, diet and health are all connected. These were among the first to practice systemic sanitation and cleanliness.

Gluttony is an appetite closely associated with an early stage of brain development when the animal instinct is very strong. But when it becomes habitual, it becomes a vice, working along the same lines as domestic vices which virtue should replace. Thus, overeating needs to be supplanted with moderation and balance, with a diet of grains, fish, non fatty meat, vegetables, fruit, and clean and healthy beverages.

The order also embraces the variations of bounty provided by the Lord. Thus, in specific places where it congregates, members of the order appreciate the place where they live, and harvest the fruits of its geography. The system is simple enough, and food is ideally served for all types, but the portions taken should be not more than a body can take at any one time.

The Tamock designation as a militant order is about vigilance in strict observance for Christians. This tenet lays the foundation of routinary defense against evil ways. And it ideally should be natural to living, and keeps of doubt and disorder.

It is a philosophy that is practical to for people who have to live normal, ordinary lives, and that means most if not all Christians. This is a proven and effective system that, if well practiced, allows you to maximize and efficiently use time, strength and resources. In a non emergency manner.

This still exists as a foundational part of Christian lives, but may be discussed in other terms and systems. The order has seen it fit to come out and sound the clarion call for many fat persons who are nominally Christians. This is not to mock them but to help them back into the path of health.

Health and good diet are closely related and relevant to Christian living. Some are lucky enough to have lessons about these from preschool to adulthood. Battling against bad health habits, freakish eating binges and the like has become an advocacy for the order in question.

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