Draw Closer To God With Guided Christian Meditation

By Pamela Harris

There is no doubt that people today are stressed due to the hectic pace of life. Stress contributes to many of our health problems. It also means that our heads are full of unwanted mental chatter and we just cannot seem to become still. We become distracted so easily as thoughts keep intruding and our minds keep wandering. When this happens, guided Christian meditation can be used to clear our minds, keep us rooted in the present and allow us to experience what it is to abide in Him.

These meditations are different from other types in that they are specifically created for believers and they focus on drawing closer to God. They are based on the Bible and help believers to focus on the Word of God. Christians may see meditating as new age, pagan, secular or anti-Christian but this not true. Meditating is a tool and as such it can be used by Christians to strengthen and clarify their relationship with God.

Amidst the constant activity of this world, it is crucial for believers to learn to be still and experience the presence of God. In the Bible, the story of Martha and Mary illustrates this. Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus while Martha was busy with cooking and cleaning. Jesus rebuked Martha when she complained and said that Mary had made the better choice.

Meditations cover so many areas. Some are created specifically to address problems such as anxiety and stress. Others address the issue of healing and help people to achieve the state of mind where they are best able to respond to the healing power of God. Others are focused on helping people to reverse negative thoughts and think more like Christ.

Despite some negative feelings about meditating, many Christians are interested in the practice today. They realize that it has many benefits to offer. When choosing a specific technique, just like with any other meditative practice, there are many kinds to choose from. The choice will depend on what needs to be accomplished. Do they want to simply draw closer to God? Do they want to release negative thinking? Do they want to be freed from anxiety?

Toxic thoughts and emotions are able to prevent us from hearing God. Opportunities are created when meditating for an intimate connection with God and being able to hear what He is saying. Spiritual hearing becomes clearer and listeners become more sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Many physicians today recommend some form of meditation for health purposes. It can lower blood pressure and reduce pain. Many illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, depression, diabetes, eczema and psoriasis are aggravated by stress. When meditating, some of the physical benefits are due to the heart rate slowing down, blood pressure dropping, muscles relaxing and the immune system being strengthened.

Biblical meditations enable believers to enjoy the physical benefits but far more too. When it is used as a tool and coupled with faith, it can transform the lives of believers. As they learn to abide in the presence of God, they experience more clarity and more peace of mind. They develop more understanding for themselves and for others.

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