Better Comprehending Of Stigmata Catholic Priest

By Matthew Richardson

Stigmata process entails the spontaneously appearing of wound marks as those the resurrected Lord experienced. The marks include the nail wounds on hands and feet, head injuries, the side lance wound, and those scourge marks all over the body especially the back. Hence, it is the process which every Stigmata Catholic Priest has to undergo.

Individuals who face this encounter are known as stigmatic. The participant may suffer one or several wounds as Jesus did. Also, the marks may be visible or invisible. Besides, they can be temporal, permanent or periodic. Predominantly, stigmata is practiced by those of the Roman Catholic faith and that is the same denomination the first person to undergo the process, St. Francis of Assisi originated.

The objective of these wounds is to unite and draw the selected person into a unique relationship with Jesus. This entails converting of sinners and making reparation for sins. Hence, people who are offered the stigmata grace are usually termed as victim souls since they suffer in Jesus union for sinners conversion. In the case of invisible wounds, it is the desire of the person in their deep humility to ask God to hide the wounds, and by responding to their prayers and humility, God fulfills their desires.

Different cases of this experience often take varying shapes. Part of stigma tics have wounds on the head and those looks the same as those Jesus portrayed after wearing a crown of thorns. There are other means of manifesting body wounds and these include tears of blood, sweating blood and incurring wounds in particular parts of the body as Jesus did.

Most of the experience portray recurring bleeding which terminates and then begins. At times, it occurs after getting Holy Communion and a big number of stigma tics have portrayed a big desire to regular receiving of Holy Communion. A considerably great portion stigma tics likewise exhibit inedia whereby they live with little or no food and water or both of them for prolonged periods of time apart from the Holy Eucharist while some exhibit weight loss.

Sufferings and Ecstasy is performed in the same day of Thursday and Friday the same time as Jesus did. Usually, great suffering is not unusual. The participants are said to undergo some harsh rejection prior to getting wounds authenticated. Those with wounds are put under strict scrutiny so that they cannot tamper with their wounds. During the time, also, a large number of false stigma tics is not absent.

Invisible stigmata is that process where participants suffer from invisible wound marks. In various conditions, the exercise entails causing a lot of pain. To some, wounds did not clot and retained their freshness. It is shocking even how some released nice odors from the blood flowing out of their wounds.

Individuals who have experienced the manifestations of body wounds are normally described as ecstatic s. During the periods of going through this experience, individuals generally get overpowered with emotions. There were no cases of this procedure that are known to have taken place prior to the thirteenth century the time when the crucifixion of Jesus is said to have taken place.

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