How To Choose A Marriage Officiant

By Mona Moody

The marriage officiant that you should choose should be one who is licensed to solemnize weddings. Without the license, the wedding is not considered legal by the state. People who can marry other people are rabbis, priests, clergymen, pastors, judges, even friends and family of the couple. Religious officials whose responsibilities include marrying off couples should be affiliated with religious communities that are recognized by the state.

Conducting wedding ceremonies is part of the job of the priests, rabbi and pastor. They are appointed by their congregations to conduct wedding ceremonies. The religious society that the rabbi or the priest is affiliated must also be one that is acknowledged by the state.

There are also officials who can do the ceremony by virtue of the license issued to them by the state. Take for example, retired judges, ministries, clergymen, etc. You only need to remember two things. First is that the congregation or religious affiliation they belong to is recognized by the state.

Second if they are officials other than being priests and high officials of religious societies, their professional license issued by the state must include powers to in that capacity. Meaning, they should have the power to solemnize wedding ceremonies. Examples of these professionals are judges, retired judges, etc.

In Colorado, couples can even do their own wedding as long as they have the go signal from the county courthouse. A paper work must be issued from the country courthouse signifying the authority of the couples to do their own wedding ceremony. The license of the official who will be conducting the wedding ceremony must be checked.

Be informed that there are different officials recognized by the state to do the wedding ceremony. Requirements for the issuance of the license for these officials vary because the laws governing them also vary from state to state. The official who may be allowed to solemnize a wedding ceremony may not be an official acknowledged in another state.

So there are different variables and these variables you must know. By getting in touch with your local municipality, you can be explained further with the requirements and who can officiate wedding ceremonies in the state. Remember that the rules and regulations applied are those that come from the state where the wedding service is to be conducted.

They can in fact recommend a few officials who you can contact to do the solemnization. Prepare all the necessary documents that you need for ceremony. Wedding applications also entail a lot of documents from the birth certificate to licenses to be married. They should be prepare in advance so that you have ample time securing, completing and filing each one of them.

There are various writeups about officiating individuals for wedding ceremonies. Read on these writeups to learn who can officiate wedding ceremonies according to the requirements of the government. You can find journals and articles on the web about this. Take advantage of the internet in finding information about the service. There is so much that you will learn about marriage officiant on the internet.

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