What is Exam results oriented teaching and its impact to society ?

By Jane Yang

Examination result oriented teaching is in essence a notion whereby the instructor understands the examination contents quite well and takes the class with the coursework, all the whilst maintaining his/her attention to the idea the only purpose is always to allow the individual to acquire high grades at the examination itself , irregardless of the curriculum contents.

Whilst there exists no disagreeing that this educating strategy achieves the goal of making sure the great bulk of students will score very well at the examinations, one have to question again - is this the right technique to teach our small children?

In reality, the system that comes with an examination outcome oriented strategy of teaching is creating a unrealistic condition of "easy testing." This can cause a pupil who transfers from this academic institution and into one where a far more traditional approach is practiced to flunk miserably because there exists no longer an exceptionally clear and concise knowing of exactly what to expect when it comes time for tests.

Similarly, when a pupil graduates right from high school and makes its way into university, should they happen to attend a college, or maybe a course, where examination result oriented teaching just isn't the common approach, they're going to find it inevitably far more tough to show good results in that testing environment. Nonetheless, in addition to immersing in an exams-oriented teaching environment, learners can implement ways to perform well in exams.

Examination grades driven teaching brings about a unrealistic sense of security as well as confidence in life itself. A pupil that has been put through an examination result oriented training isn't going to realize how to rebound after they have a misstep on an examination; nor do these people understand how to study intensely for any "unknown" of not being able to assert with certainty they undoubtedly know all the answers to all of the queries in life - er - to each of the problems which will be on the exam.

When the pros are heavily weighted favorably for the school; for retention of essential funding and for that general ease of the cookie-cutter curriculum that turns into stale and repeatable, the cons are considerably more ominous for our little ones that are not discovering the invaluable competency of the best way to find out on their own, or the best way to study very hard for a thing they want or need to attain.

When these young ones enter the labor force and the real world they may learn that the utopia they're used to, this total perception of entitlement, carries with it a harsh epiphany that world isn't fair. That life is just not simple. And regrettably, they are ill-prepared.

This can result in depression, confusion, and despair. This could result in an otherwise average person to function sub-par in their professions, and so create a lifelong path of underachieving; just because they were not taught through their formative years how to work hard to attain their ambitions, instead of needing every thing essentially passed to them.

Nonetheless, it is also likely that the confidence that was developed by a somewhat "easy" education approach functions to offer a young adult the self-confidence to do well in more demanding scenarios. When presented with an unknown variable, they're going to come to feel assured that they can take on it with finesse and comfort, because - after all - they've generally been able to perform so.

Consequently, once they enter into the workforce and society as an adult, they are a go-getter, simply because they recognise they can be successful. It's been a proven fact of their entire life till their adult years that they carry with them through out each challenge they encounter in life.

The jury may very well be out over the real effect to society of examination outcome oriented teaching, but it is apparent that we are teaching our little ones a lesson - whether or not it is a positive lesson or a unfavorable lesson may not yet be crystal clear.

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