How A Counsellor In Vancouver BC Can Help You Cope With Trauma

By Alyce Powell

Modern life places a lot of pressure on people and there is a constant demand to produce, to be productive and to be successful. People burn out and become unable to cope with the unreasonable pressure. In many cases people start to think that they have no purpose in life or they become disillusioned with modern society. A counsellor in Vancouver BC may help such people regain perspective.

Therapists often help people to overcome temporary setbacks. In such cases the patient often experienced a major trauma and he struggles to cope with the consequences of that trauma. It may have been the death of a partner or child, the loss of a job or anything that temporarily derails the individual concerned. In such cases the job of the therapist is to help the sufferer to face the issue and to learn how to deal with the aftermath of the trauma.

However, many other patients suffer from disorders that require them to see a therapist for long periods. Some suffer from depression and other personality disorders and need to receive medication as well. Others simply feel that they cannot cope without regular sessions with their therapists. The role of the therapist is mainly that of a facilitator. They encourage their patients to seek solutions for their own problems and they support them emotionally.

Most therapists agree that group sessions are extremely demanding. Such groups are necessary because the members can share with each other, encourage each other and even help each other through personal experience. However, the therapist often finds it difficult to make sure that no member of the group is marginalized or that no member becomes too overbearing. Group therapy can be very helpful, however.

Many therapists specialize in couples therapy. In some cases they even help divorcing couples to reach amicable settlements without involving expensive lawyers. Matters such as child support, financial matters and the management of both liabilities and assets are addressed. Such agreements are normally accepted by the divorce courts. In other cases couples consult a therapist because they feel that their relationship is going downhill.

It is a great pity that so many people are denying themselves of the benefits of therapy because they think that it is sign of weakness to seek help. Everybody needs help from time to time and there is no shame in admitting such a need. In fact, there is no real difference between needing emotional assistance and needing the services of a medical doctor.

It is important to look for a therapist that is experienced in dealing with people with problems similar to those experienced. Patients should not be embarrassed to ask for references and proof of qualifications. If the patient feels uncomfortable with the therapist after a few sessions, it may be better to find somebody else.

When it becomes difficult to cope with day to day life it may be time to get help from a counsellor in Vancouver BC. Therapists can be instrumental in helping people to identify their own problems and to find solutions. They are invaluable in overcoming major trauma and to get on with life.

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