Impact Of Africa Social Network In Business

By Leanne Goff

Unlike in the past when the Africa social network was not yet introduced, now is it possible to share opinions, ideas through various friendship circles. This has seen a tremendous growth of various businesses in Africa. People with same interest are now able to come together to pursue certain lines of development and whichever endeavor they choose to pursue, good successes have been reported. Most businesspersons are using social networks to market their products and services. Any business without internet presence these days is no longer able to stand out their competitors.

There is a good environment for growth and expansion since the activity is done in the web allowing people to meet from different parts within and outside one country. As compared to the previous days when one was just limited to hanging around his relatives and friends in family gatherings. This also promotes business across the board. Provided the targeted group is identified, reaching them is just a click of button away.

With this method of doing business, the cost of marketing is remarkably low. Unlike the olden days where an advertisement had to go through the TV, radio networks, or even posters and billboards which are very costly. Marketing in this media is real time and a one on one basis is possible between the seller and potential buyer.

Internet gives both small and big businesses an equal and fair space and this brings them to a level ground whereby they can have a fair competition. Every company, small or big, has access to social sites. All they need to have is some basic skills of operating a computer and surfing on the internet and they are good to go. With that, they can market their products with a lot of ease.

Businesspersons are in position to build contacts with their customers or trade partners courtesy of this technological development. It is common nowadays to interact through on line chat with a seller from the comfort of the office or home without having to go to the market. This is even more advantageous to the business as real time feedback is obtained that leads to product improvement to suit the consumers need.

The introduction of portable gadgets that are internet enabled such as cellphones, iPod, tablets has made this avenue of marketing so fruitful. Business people are now able to transact business anywhere, at any time using these gadgets. Whether one is on a journey, on vacation away from his office or home, he or she is still able to undertake business as usual.

Introduction of laptops brought about a great revolution in the way people used to transact businesses. Nowadays with internet enabled handheld gadgets, such as iPods, tablets and cellphones, things have become even easier. You can now carry the whole office in your hand. You can access any information in these sites from anywhere. This works better for those who have no access to TV and radio networks.

Another effect Africa social network has created in trade is measurability. This is easily obtained by just checking on how many views the product has received over a specific period. It is also a plus as the trader is given an opportunity to evaluate and change tact where necessary.

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