Understanding The East Africa Social Network

By Leanne Goff

The East Africa Social Network is a platform that seeks to strengthen personal and professional relationships as the basic principle of life. It seeks to bring together persons with common interests at personal and career level. Their belief is that interactions enable people to grow careers and improve their personal lives. It is a forum that brings together people of diverse social, professional and economic backgrounds for networking purposes.

Diverse interaction opportunities are offered through the platform that brings together all necessary relationship management tools. It expands personal networks to include people from different countries and towns in the region. Improved communication opens opportunities for business, cultural and personal interaction. This leads to better interpersonal communication and interactions.

Members join the group through a website that is creatively designed. It has a portal where one sets up his personal profile as a way to complete registration. Submitted information is private and not shared with other parties according the terms of privacy given to members before completing registration. Only your friends can access your profile. Some of the information is concealed from public access. One way through which members interact is by creating events after which they later invite friends to attend. Others setup discussion forums and debates on hot topics of the day or month.

The groups available for participation by members depend on shared interests. They include people working in the same city, students in the university, religious groups, lonely hearts, etc. The aim of the groups is to offer individuals the opportunity to interact with persons with whom they share interests. One is required to provide basic details and include a photo for easy recognition. There are private chat rooms where individuals can communicate confidentially.

The website offers members the chance to engage in online games at individual or group level. The games can be customized and allow players to save their levels and scores. They include bowling, tennis, dart, baseball and pool among others. There is a customer support ticket provided at the site for members who might find it difficult to use any portal. Bulletins are sent to members on regular basis with updates and changes on the site.

Each member runs a personal account that gives details on visits made to personal profile, the number of friend requests sent and accepted, images uploaded and messages left in the inbox. Invitation of new members happens over email and through social media. Several radio and TV stations stream live through the website.

The networking platform allows members to create and manage personal groups and events on the blog. The creator of an event or group acts as the admin and can control the forum by regulating who is admitted and whose admission is declined. The events are easy to manage because live maps are attached to show participants directions. Other opportunities available include forums to discuss professional concerns and emerging issues.

The East Africa Social Network brings together individuals with similar interests. It is a platform to exchange cultural, personal and professional experiences. It is open to members from all walks of life. The forum allows people to interact beyond the professional level in order to sustain holistic growth.

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