Is The Bible True And Proof Of It

By Christa Jarvis

For years and years, the bible has been in existence and it is one of the books in which major controversies have been raised concerning it. It is used by the Christians and the teachings inside guide them on a day to day basis and show them right from wrong. However, some individuals have come up to question is the Bible true or the faithful are just blinded by religion.

To start with, most scriptures are quoted saying thus says the Lord. Its argued by many that if it was correct that the Bible was work of man, then the teachings and sayings would have been attributed to different people like prophets and kings. This is an indication that it is indeed the work of the most high.

Evidence that this book is not fictious is that the manuscripts of the New Testament have been preserved for years and years dating back to a thousand years. They date all the way from the second century up to date, from the early years when even the printing services had not been introduced. There are some that were even handwritten in the ancient Greek language which is the language which was spoken by the apostles back then meaning that it was not just imaginations.

Others, especially the scientist, say that this book is not correct. They base their argument on the formation of the world. Science says that its not possible to create the whole universe including man out of nothingness. They base their argument on the fact that man evolved from monkeys and the earth was formed as a result of tectonic forces. This disapproves the origin of mother earth and living things as it is evident in the Old Testament.

Those who disapprove the bible say that the teachings are not correct since the events described are hard to believe. This points out to the many miracles. Some of them can only be believed by faith. A good example is that of splitting the ocean to create way for people to pass. This has never been hard in real life so to get people to believe in these happenings is rather hard that is why many dismiss some of the scriptures.

Other arguments are in support of fact that this is really a truthful book. They base their arguments on the fact that there are very many prophesies which were prophesied in this book and they came to pass. Evidence of such is readily available in the bible and that is the reason why it is believed that the teachings in scriptures are correct and should not be doubted.

Moreover, those who wrote the word stood by it under all circumstances. Even when they were threatened, they did not give up; they always said that what they wrote is true. Even when they were killed, they stood firm and never took back a word. This proved that the word was trustworthy because there is no reason that could make someone die for what was not true.

In conclusion, people all over the world have different revelations and perceptions about the bible, whether it is true or not. Research is being done every day to analyze the events of the bible. However, most of the multitudes have strong faith in this book and they proclaim that it is indeed true and is the word of God.

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