What Can We Do To Stop Hate Crimes In America

By Lena Stephenson

Each and every day of the year many people are being murdered within the United States for no apparent reason. Some individuals would like to know what can we do to stop hate crimes which are happening on a daily basis. Most human beings are taught to dislike anyone who is different than they are and this is really sad. Many gay males are bashed by baseball bats in certain areas of America because of their sexual orientation. There are fat people who are also laughed at since they have a severe weight problem.

Even Jewish people were persecuted in Germany since they had different religious beliefs from other individuals. In order to stop people from hurting one another it is up to every parent to educate their children about other human beings. If a child is growing up within a dysfunctional household then they will learn how to treat other people poorly.

Illinois is one popular state which has a great city called Chicago. This is one place which has many people living within it and quite a few of them are gay. A male homosexual residing in Chicago made the decision to lead a wild lifestyle which eventually got him killed. He could not stay away from bars that promoted strange sexual behaviors.

He made it a point to eat a good healthy meal before going on his quest for men during the week. There was one location which would bring him many new adventures even though it was located on the south side. Everyone from the north section tried to stay away from this end of town. This bloke finally faced his dreadful end after going to a club which contained a secret sexual back room.

Fortunately he took the time to enjoy himself with many of the men who were occupying this back location and this made him feel great. Once all of this action was over he decided to leave the club and go home. Upon entering the parking lot he could see some odd guys standing around.

He started to enter this fabulous car but one of these thugs grabbed his arm. Suddenly all of them were on top of this man and they were brutally beating him. Some person passing by managed to yell at the thugs and then they took off. Unfortunately by the time medical help had arrived this poor male was now deceased.

The police were able to identify this group and within a matter of days they were all arrested. It was later discovered that these young men were part of a Nazi group which targeted gay males. They had all been raised by parents who had always hated gays, blacks and anyone who was different.

These young men had been nurtured by ignorant human beings who were on a mission to execute any gay man living within the area. When ever something like this occurs it is up to Congress to initiate new laws which will punish individuals who commit certain felonies. There are also many social groups around which employ speakers to teach children about the variety of people within this world.

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