The Cost Of Comprehensive Couples Massage In Puyallup

By Bernice White

Combined massage for a couple is the most romantic experience they can ever have. Puyallup couples massage takes place under one therapist and in the same room. It gives the two a chance to relax and bond. It has been termed as an excellent gift and a super addition to activities and gifts that mark anniversaries and special occasions.

Parlors offer different packages depending on personal preference. It is the details of these packages that determine the price you pay. For a couple, the options are endless including use of aromatic substances, a relaxing environment, access to specialist therapists, etc. To calculate the actual cost, you need to bear in mind certain factors as discussed in this article.

Who will offer the therapy? Therapists specialize in different styles. Based on their experience and prowess, their manner of handling clients and level of satisfaction will differ. Experienced therapists charge more than amateurs. Those who have made their name already and are thus considered a brand will also quote a different figure. Your experience and fee will therefore depend on the availability of therapists.

There are different types of massages with the main categorization being full body and half body. The charges also vary depending on whether you get a full body or half body. With a couple, one partner may get full while the other enjoys half. Further more, each person has a unique preference that is to be addressed through details of the package. The choice is usually yours to make.

The location where you get your rundown determines how much you pay. At a parlor in your neighborhood, the charges may be relatively low. The price down town is also low compared to up-market estates or parlors. When you check into a five star hotel, expect to pay more as well. The best thing is to choose a location that suits your budget.

Therapy is conducted in different styles. The inclusion of aromatherapy elements, heat, oils, music, etc affects the price. Depending on your taste, ask about the details of the package on offer. The session may also be charged per hour. This means that the more time you spend at the parlor, the more you pay. Since you are a couple, you might enjoy a discount compared to a person getting the services alone. All these are details to be discussed when getting the quotation.

The demand for massage or therapy depends on the season of the year. Tourism arrivals dictate availability of therapists. High tourism seasons will witness an increase in cost because there is competition. When the season is low, the prices will reduce. You might also be paying for your services while another person is using coupons, holiday packages, conference offers or part of an entire accommodation package. The amount you pay in all these scenarios will differ.

Regular clients also get discounts that reduce the cost. On average, you can expect to pay 140 dollars per hour for a normal session. Additional charges will depend on the details included in your session. Do not hesitate to negotiate a personalized package and even ask for a discount based on what you order.

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