Georgia Top Uncontested Divorce Attorneys Share The Benefits Of An Amicable Split

By Mary Thompson

Marriages aren't easy, and half of them don't work out the first time. If you decide to keep trying, the odds get worse each time you go to the altar. Divorces aren't easy either, and when there are substantial assets involved, things can get tense. There are benefits to splitting amicably however, that Georgia top uncontested divorce attorneys want you to know about.

Couples can save a lot of money by not contesting divorces. This can be easier for those who were not married long. Partners who have a long marital history often have joint assets that can be harder to agree upon when it comes to the division. It can be done however, if both parties feel that the results are equitable.

When couples can sit down and go over how to handle dispersing their assets, children and pet custody, and any other issues, the process goes much faster than when the court gets involved. When both partners are willing to behave like adults, there is less drama and stress. These two considerations allow the whole family to get through a difficult time as easily as possible.

If the partners are still talking to each other, and trying to cooperate, they are in control of the process. As long as they can make the decisions together, it isn't necessary for a third party, like a judge, to come in and decide who is going to get what. Once the court takes over, the parties can also lose control over child custody and other important considerations.

Staying out of court is the best option, if it's at all possible. When divorces go to court, it costs couples a lot of money in attorney fees. It can be a time consuming process without the benefit of privacy. Courtrooms are generally open to the public and, barring some unforeseen circumstances, divorce proceedings are adjudicated in public. You will lost all privacy once your case is in the hands of a judge. Personal feelings and preferences may not have any influence over a judge's decisions, in which case both parties may lose more than they gained by going to court.

Divorces are hard on children, no matter how sensitive the parents are. Kids know when couples argue, and many blame themselves. It is not unusual to see a high performing child suddenly get poor grades in school, start to make dangerous personal choices, and sometimes run away in an effort to get attention. Children need special help during this time that warring parents can't provide.

Divorcing by consent doesn't mean couples can eliminate the services of a good lawyer. Very few people actually know how the process works even if both partners are in agreement. There are official papers that have to be approved by the court, even if only one of the partners is in attendance. Having a lawyer will make the whole process go smoother and faster.

It's much easier to get married than it is to get divorced. Nobody expects divorce to happen to them, and when it does many are unprepared. If it is possible, couples should just divide the assets, reassure the kids, and go on with their lives.

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