Things You Should Know About Holistic Psychotherapy NY

By Arthur Wagner

Dealing with psychological problems can be very hard. This is because many of them do not affect only one aspect of person; they tend to manifest in the other aspects of the individual and hence cause an even more complicated situation. Therefore, the approach of treating symptoms will not be effective in such situations; one has to consider undertaking holistic psychotherapy NY as to achieve full recovery.

The fact that holistic therapy puts equal emphasis on all aspects of that human being is what makes it tick. It handles the mind, body and spirit as to ensure that all manifestations of such condition are dealt with properly. The doctor starts by trying to understand the problem and how it is related to other aspects of the individuals. He or she works with the patient as to ensure that one attains a sense of self awareness and acceptance eventually.

This treatment module arose during the times of Hippocrates when it was believed that it was not enough to concentrate on one aspect of a person. Contrary to modern procedures that focus on dealing with signs and symptoms, Hippocrates highlighted that it was important to create equilibrium within an individual since all parts function in coordination. Holistic therapy comprises of practices such as psychoanalysis, cognitive behavioral treatment, breath-work, guided imagery and heart-centered hypnotherapy.

Practitioners of this treatment believe that the consciousness of an individual is not contained in one element of the individual; rather, it is an integration of the body, mind and even the spirit. These experts hold that the key to efficient treatment is in being aware of the relationship between the thoughts, emotions, spiritual considerations and physical experiences as well. Apart from solving the problem at hand, this approach also helps patients to attain higher sense of awareness, self- esteem and acceptance eventually.

Modern treatment systems focus on the signs and symptoms of that disease or condition. The remedies offered are aimed at removing the symptoms so that the person can seem normal again. This, however, is not an effective way of dealing with the situation. Holistic therapy, on the other hand, views these symptoms as expressions of the consciousness. Through them, one can seek deeper understanding of that person as a whole and how the condition affects other aspects such as the body and spirit.

The approach uses three levels of treatment to ensure that the person is fully cured. Each of these levels is targeted at a different aspect of the person; the body, mind and finally spirit. It all begins with the bodywork such as massage as to highlight the areas that are tense. These areas are viewed as manifestations of inhibited emotions.

Upon completion of that level, the next set of activities is verbal in nature. These are aimed at having one open up and share with the practitioner. They help create even a deeper understanding of the problem and the circumstances that may have led to the situation at hand.

Matters to do with spirit are usually not simple ones. They require a lot of patience and dedication. At the third level, the therapist has to educate the patient about philosophy and meditation techniques as to fasten the healing the process. This usually takes years, however. Holistic therapy can be used to cure depression, anxiety, somatic ailments and stress among other disorders.

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