A Comparison Of The Purposes Of Apologetics Articles

By Jessica Walker

The words from which apologetics is derived are very different in definition than the one for apologetics. The two words are apology and apologetic. The ancient Greek work from which these were derived is apologia. Though it means a speech or defense of something in which one believes, the two words derived from this one means means to be sorry for a wrong done to someone. The many apologetics articles available help one understand all the aspects of the word and helps one become able to speak to others about what they believe.

Apologetics is further defined as the development and sharing of arguments for the truth of Christianity. It further argues for the irrational alternatives beliefs, in an attempt to strength the faith of those that believe and to attempt to get non-believers to think about the idea of Christ and his truths. Argument in this case refers not to a argumentative approach but rather to a logical, reasoned presentation.

The are two aspects to the idea of arguments, or apologetics. One is to argue for Christianity and the other is to argument against alternative beliefs. Though apologists argue the issues expertly, it is not their purpose. They are attempting to lead Christians in strengthening their faith and to strengthen their faith against alternative beliefs.

During early Christianity, the Greek philosophy and the engagement of Christians with the philosophers attracted the Romans. Quite a few writers began to produce defenses of the Christian faith. These writers were known as the apologists. They addressed three major ideas in defending the Christian faith. First was to defend against false accusations that Christians were cannibals and sexually immoral. They further argued that Christianity was truth based on the knowledge that it fulfilled prophecies of the Old Law. Another argument was that it was superior to Greek philosophical ideas or fulfilled their prophecies.

The very first apologist is the apostle Paul, are recorded by Luke in the book of Acts. Paul argued the same three concerns as later apologists did. He defended Christianity against paganism and Judaism, and declared that that the Christian philosophy did not in any way offend the Roman Law.

Starting in the first century, Christianity was claimed not to offend Roman Law, that it was the fulfillment of Judaic Law, and that paganism is not true, butChristianity is the true religion. The arguments have remained constant throughout, indicating how important these ideas are to Christianity.

There are three functions recognized in apologetics. This is in addition to the three general arguments. One function is to argue the truth of Christianity, using evidence accepted in science and history. This shows how Christianity is superior to any alternative belief in making sense of our world. In addition, a function is to explain what some consider contradictions in the Bible and in supposed contradictions between scientific and historical that leads to misconceptions about Christianity. Exposing non-Christian beliefs as unsound or irrational is the third function.

There is one overall function of apologetics. This is to bring others to a belief in Christianity. This is, however, a purpose better served by evangelism. The identified function, in summary, is to strengthen the faith of those believers and to remove any disparaging beliefs by non-believers in that faith.

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