Dating and Relationship Help

By Sienna Nalin

You've been given some good advice on what to expect out there is the dating scene and to know what you want when it comes to finding a partner; well here is some advice on keeping that partner and getting into a serious relationship.

When in a relationship you want it to always feel like the first day you met, you want to keep the spark alive and well, so here are the five things that you and your partner can do to keep and maintain a healthy relationship:

1. Clear the air. Talk about whatever's on your mind, even if it's just that you're annoyed. Putting it off will only force you to bottle up emotions and that could lead to passive aggressive actions later on. (Image by tonyboytran via Flickr)

2. Stay in a positive state of mind. Your mood does rub onto others which can put a damper on everything.

3. Divide and conquer. Taking part in shared responsibilities reminds each other that you're both committed.

4. Don't be that couple that doesn't like to socialize with others. New atmosphere and people keeps things fresh and new. Also being around each other's loved ones shows they not only care about you, but also getting to know them.

5. Leave no doubts. Simply put, make sure your spouse knows that you are 100% into them-and not just for their looks. Encourage your spouse to achieve their own goals and lend support whenever they need it most. You don't have to make an elaborate production out of building your partner up; a sum of small daily gestures should do the trick.

...Continue on at 5 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Alive

In order for your relationship to be successful, the first thing you need to do is try. By just not trying to be there is a relationship 100 percent will deteriorate it. So if you don't want that to happen, take the advice that's been given and turn things around. Make your partner feel you're in this till the end.

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