Learn How To Be Saved By Jesus

By Rena Hudson

Many people wonder how to be saved by Jesus. It is really very simple, but it is also profound. The experience is undoubtedly the most life-changing one a person can have. According to the Bible, when a human turns a life over to the Lord, the whole of heaven rejoices.

The Bible tells us that God is holy but man is not. Jesus was the only human who succeeded in living a sinless life on this earth. God, who created human beings to be His sons and daughters, cannot tolerate sin. Sin can be forgiven but must to be paid for. In God's world, there is absolute right and wrong, a concept many people find hard to accept or even understand.

First people have to accept the reality of sin. It is then inevitable that they will see themselves as sinners. To have a relationship with a sinless, holy God, it is necessary to accept that Jesus had to die so they can live. Humans since Adam and Eve, who chose to disobey, were given free will. All of us have rebelled against God's law in some measure. There must be a sincere surrender to the will and sovereignty of God.

The decision is not an easy one, and many people who consider themselves Christian never actually and completely surrender. Someone who repeats the 'sinner's prayer' but continues to live life contrary to God's law has not surrendered the right to make decisions on important matters. For instance, going to church but cheating at cards or at work reveals a lack of submission.

This act of submission is foreign to our 'human nature'. We, of course, give up our right to operate according to this limited, worldly consciousness when we ask for salvation. Instead, we are able to proceed under God's grace, which helps us to walk in His way. Turning away from our own decisions in order to let God accomplish His will for our complete good seems like a sensible thing to do, but all struggle even with God's help and guidance.

Although we sin, this is not to be our expectation or excuse. God has promised to guide us, shine His light in the dark places, restore us, and be our constant helper. We still make mistakes, fail to understand our motives and situations, and fall short of a holy standard.

So what is the difference between an unsaved human and a saved one? The saved person has accepted the fact that someone must pay for sin and that that sacrifice was Jesus Christ. He or she has asked God to forgive personal sins, has promised to turn away from a sinful life, and asked Jesus to become Lord of all. This heart-felt profession of faith allows God to grant His child forgiveness and accept that child into the family of heaven.

Almighty God established a system of blood sacrifice to pay for sin. This satisfies the need for justice; one person is forgiven while another is condemned. The difference is that one's sins were paid for while the other person's were not. Jesus, the one innocent man, died for the sins of the whole world. Accepting His sacrifice and turning from sinful ways is how to be saved by Jesus.

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