You Will Now Always Gain Wealth From Tithing

By Laurend David

Many religions teach that a person should give 10% of their wealth to the church. Is this ancient practice still worth following today? According to millions of clergy worldwide, it is necessary to tithe because God will protect and watch over your finances if you do. People that do not tithe are said to have no protection over their finances. Howe do we tithe if we have lots of bills to pay and very little money coming in? It can be devastating for many families to go through having no money coming in. Tithing is supposed to not allow that to happen to you.

Most men and women that tithe are not wealthy. Many are living paycheck to paycheck. However, a person that tithes is often rich in faith. When you are doubting your faith, it is important to tithe. You may be surprised to find out that God actually does exist and gives you money when you cannot have any money using your own efforts. It is important to ask yourself how tithing works for you. Ask yourself why you want to tithe. If tithing is something that you are already doing, then ask yourself how it has helped you in life. Life is often complex and gives us a whole set of rules for living. I think that life has many ups and downs. We often fear tithing because we don't think that we will have enough money.

First, tithing is a belief that God will always provide for you. Tithing often takes time to do and requires a lot of effort. If you are making $5,000 a month, the Bible says that $500.00 of that must go to the church. Whatever God allows your household to have, you must tithe. It is said that Christians that do not do this will not receive protection over their finances. How true is this and does it still apply today? The New Testament does not demand that a Christian must tithe. However, it says to be cheerful in your giving. However, we must look at the fact that Jesus Christ himself tithed. He even said to give to God what is God's and to the government what is theirs. This mean to pay your taxes and pay God as well.

As believers in Christ, we must realize that tithing often takes a lot out of us. We often look at the tithe as being painful for us to do. Is it easier to tithe $100,000 a year if we earn 1 million dollars or tithing $500.00 if we earn $5,000? Experts say that it is harder to tithe more money because you are actually seeing yourself writing larger checks. Many millionaires do not tithe because they fear losing their money. However, it is important to tithe because God is always looking out for us in different ways. God promises to protect our finances.

If you learn how to trust in God, giving him 10% of your wealth is necessary. God wants to see where your heart is. If your heart is for God, you will want to obey his laws and commandments. Even Jesus himself tithed and told the apostles to give God what is his. Throughout the Old Testament, all of the Israelites tithed. Everyone from Abraham to Job tithed. If you want more faith or a new beginning in your life, then you have to tithe faithfully to God and allow all of the pieces to the puzzle come into play. God is always watching over you and protecting you at the same time.

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