Your Spiritual Mind And A Vision Board

By Wendly Birstom

For centuries, people have been trying to figure out their mind and how it works exactly. Modern day physicists are trying to figure out if positive thinking is real or if it is only a figure of our imagination. Many successful business men and women say that vision boards work. They have been working with them for years and have seen the success of them. It is not easy to look at a vision board and feel like it's just pictures on a canvas. It is important to have faith that you are really going to get these things. Without faith, nothing good can happen in your life.

When we create a negative thought, we are often saddened by the fact that bad things are happening around us. There is nothing more devastating than to see negative moments happening in our lives. The movie, The Secret teaches us that we should create a vision board of all of the things that we want to see happening for our lives. The board is made out of cardboard. You are supposed to cut out pictures of the things that you want and paste it on the board. This can be a new Ferrari or a large 5 bedroom home. It can be a trip to Hawaii or a shopping spree for clothes. Whatever it is, put it on a vision board.

People tend to think negative thoughts before positive ones. If we are in a bad situation, we often wonder if it can get any worse. If we are not liking our jobs, we wonder if we will get fired. Instead of thinking positive, thoughts, we are conditioned to think about negative ones. The world today is often looking back at ancient history. We want to know what our ancestors did to fight depression, anger and fear. Many positive thinkers say that we have another way of handling stress. We should look at our lives and feel a sense of power. We need to see life as being something that we can honestly be happy about.

Are human beings supposed to feel depressed? Many psychiatrists give people medication so that they never have to experience depression. Some religious pastors say that this is a good idea since depression makes us turn to alcohol and drugs a lot of the time. When we are sad, we think that the worst possible scenarios are going to happen to us. It is always amazing to see new beginnings taking place in our lives.

Try to sit with yourself and make a vision board. Put everything onto paper that you want to see happening in your life. Most psychics say that what you think about will actually happen. It is all a matter of the spiritual world giving it to you. Eventually, you will see your blessings unfolding and good things happening for you more naturally. Take your time with learning more about positive thinking. Read the book by Norman Vincent Peale and watch the movie, The Secret for spiritual growth.

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