Some Prophecy Facts That You Might Not Know

By Arthur Ross

In the difficult times that we are all experiencing and dealing with, sometimes it can be hard to find a way to hold onto your faith through it all. Things that have been foreseen by those who have had divine contact are impossible to verify, and people will always project their lack of faith in the form of disbelief in these sacred messages. By turning to the prophecy facts that have emerged, we can find evidence that such things are indeed occurring.

It is a common expression that the Lord works in mysterious ways, but he does have a few sort of signature ways of communicating his will to mankind. One of the most popular methods God uses is speaking through a prophet. This involves him entering the mind of a particular individual and having that person spread the good news.

You can be sure that every prophet is perfectly suited for their job. Not all of the things that God has told people about the future have been quite the same, so different prophets might be needed for particular prophecies depending on the nature of them. But no matter what God is telling this person, that individual has to be the right kind of person in order to receive the message.

This individual prophet is being chosen as the only person on the planet of Earth to receive and hear the word of the Lord. This means that the person has to have the capacity to hear the might and power and wonder that is God's thought and mind, which can be a lot to handle. This person must have an open, calm, and quiet mind to do this.

A skill that is integral for the prophet to carry out her or his job fully and successfully is to have the capacity to reiterate the words of the Lord to the rest of humanity. This means speaking in a language that is clear and concise. It also means being a people person.

Things were much different for the prophets of the ancient times. You couldn't just get a message out there as easily as you can now. It took a lot of hard work and hours of pushing the message out there.

It is not just the future that God tells us about in these prophecies. The present is also a topic as well of a great many famous historical prophecies. We do not know exactly why God tells us things the way He does, why He chooses to focus on the future or the present, but we can be assured that it is what is best for us.

One of the most popular prophets of all time is Moses. His story can be examined in a wonderfully animated interpretation of the events of his life called The Prince of Egypt by Dreamworks Pictures. You will love Val Kilmer as Moses as you are taken on the journey of how this young man led an entire people from slavery with the help of God.

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