Ways For Seeking A Partner For Single Muslims

By John Collins

Sharing your life with someone you love and cherish brings happiness and joy to your life. In Islam marriage is viewed as an act of faith. However, for many single Muslims, it is a hard task to find someone who can support you in fulfilling this purpose. This is because of obvious reasons like few people of the opposite sex. Here are few things to help in finding a partner.

Show respect. Be a respectful person. Let it be seen in how you respond, interrupt and listen to your partner talk. Do not despise someone even when you know for sure they are not your type. If you are meeting with them, be lively in every conversation and get to know them. Compliment on their looks and dressing if possible. Make them feel good about themselves.

Join different groups in your community. Could be humanitarian aid societies, volunteer work or charities. These are good places to meet people your age whom you have something in common from the word go. Make an effort of getting into conversations and fun activities carried out in the group. Someone might like you in the process, no one knows.

Avoid being hasty. Take as much time as you can in examining a potential partner. Marriage is not something that you can get into with anyone. Careful consideration is to be done before committing to life in marriage, or things could go wrong for you. Repairing that damage can be almost impossible. So be patient and get the right person.

Do not walk this road alone. For you to achieve the goal of finding a perfect partner for yourself. You need wisdom and advice of those who have been there and have done that. Probably your parents. Talk to them, let them help you find a good partner if they can, and you entrust them too. Having been married for many years they can make things easy for you.

Search online. The internet has platforms where people meet and get to know each other. Do not be shy, venture into such sites and you will be linked to people like you. Create a good profile for yourself and be sure to actively engage in conversations either by video calls, direct messages or even comments on your profile. If you get to like someone, arrange how you can meet them in person.

Get a trusted chaperone. A chaperone in Islam is someone who moderates meetings between two people of the opposite sex. This has to be someone you trust completely. Their main role is to sit through the meetings to ensure that you do not get involved sinfully with your potential partner by being tempted by Satan which happens quite easily. Given both of you are attracted to each other.

Given the importance of marriage, singles should be strong and aggressive in their pursuit of a marriage partner. By following the advice above they can go a long way in getting themselves a partner for life. Remember it is important to be prepared for marriage mentally even as you go about seeking for a partner. Marriage is no joke, and it requires someone who is prepared and is well aware of what they are getting into. Pray to Allah for strength and guidance.

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