The Benefits Of Guided Christian Meditation To Believers

By Dorothy Roberts

Many Bible believers have not figured out that God wants them delving deeper into their essence to enjoy inner peace. They assume that self-reflection is a teaching of Eastern religions. However, the Holy Bible expressly mentions the idea of Christian contemplation in many places. The opening chapter to the Psalms mentions it, calling on the believer to contemplate the law of his God always. It is high time believers became receptive to the divine idea of guided Christian meditation.

Easterners have, for hundreds of years, marveled at the mystery of self-reflection. They have known what it means to be peaceful deep down. So much so that the world has come to associate the idea of contemplation with men who follow the teachings of great teachers like the Buddha and others from the East.

Research reveals that reflection is not a recent doctrine. If you open your Bible to the first chapter of the Bible, you will find the idea of self-reflection right there. In that book, God advises Joshua to meditate on His word day and night, and he would find victory.

It does seem that there is value in it or the maker of Heaven and Earth would not have guided his people to apply in their lives. The concept is not a preserve for the people from the East. You too can today choose to appropriate the benefits of stillness. The only thing that stops many modern Christian believers in their own limiting beliefs which are not Bible-based.

If you read the Bible, you will see the idea of meditation espoused throughout. There are times when the Bible uses the word directly. Other times, the variants of this word like Ponder, Pray, Ruminate, Reflect, and Be still are used. In the faith of Christ, it happens when the believer decides to contemplate the law of God, his teachings from the word, and his presence. The believer is supposed to ponder the promises of Jehovah, too.

Contemplation some things results in a deeper relationship between man and God. From the book of Genesis to revelation, the holy book delivers the message of patching up the differences between man and divinity. Meditation helps bring the kingdom of God into the inner presence of man. When the devout sincerely pray, the divinity of God envelopes them, and they become just like him.

Millions of Bible-believing people feel overpowered by the stressful requirements of daily life. These people have allowed negativity to bring them down to a place of defeat and embarrassment. This, however, need not be the case. If believers started contemplating Christ, the Lord would reveal himself to them. They would have immense power to subdue inner opposing realities that weigh them down and rise to brilliant victory.

It brings about peace of mind. The contemplating believer gets to commune with Christ, to share his or her worries. During this time, the individual relaxes, and forgets about their current stress and fears, choosing to focus primarily on the savior. It is a time to remember how precious they are before God, and how their maker is more than willing to help them conquer anything that exalts itself in their lives. It is a time to break loose from the shackles of Satan and become, at last, entirely free in Christ.

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