Discovering Important Topics In Theology Articles

By Michelle Phillips

When it comes to religion and spirituality, there are a number of different schools of thought. For example, the number of different Christian denominations and belief systems alone show how differently people think about God. In some cases, Theology articles can answer questions about religious ideologies. Whereas, in others, the publications can create more questions than answers.

In the Christian faith, one of the foremost organizations which publishes a wide variety of these type articles is that of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. When it comes to the content published by this organization, some can be extremely controversial. For example, some recent topics have included, the separation of church and state, issues related to alternative lifestyles and discussions on God, government, religion and power.

In other cases, articles have been known to discuss different names and terms used for God such as Creator, Great Mystery, Universe, Lord and Father. For, while the old testament refers to God as Lord, the new testament gospels always use the term Father. Most likely because the new testament focuses on Jesus as the Son of God.

While this is the case, there are others whom simply use the phrase "God Is, " or a "Divine presence, " without providing either male or female pronouns. In some cases, these are individuals whom identify more as spiritual than religious. Whereas, in others, it is part of a more liberal and open minded religious base. One church in particular in which this is more common is that of the Episcopalians.

Other topics often include the moral majority versus the more liberal aspect of Christianity, the science of religion, world religious rituals and LGBTQ+ issues in the church. With the recent legalization of gay marriage, there have also been a number of articles written on the latter including the pros and cons of reformation therapy to "pray away the gay."

In many cases, it is not uncommon for people to question God's love when experiencing bigotry, discrimination, hatred, homophobia and racism based on Biblical text. Most often, when this occurs, the text is being taken out of context and is rarely represented as the writers intended. As a result, people move away from God and religion due to fear which has been imposed by many whom have no concept for the love which many believe God offers freely to all people.

One of the best articles of this nature is that of The Life and Doctrine Connection: It's Complicated written by Derek Rishmawy, April 8th, 2016. The article covers the topic of Paul's injunction for Timothy in which Timothy is asked to keep a close watch on his life and doctrine. For, in doing so, it shows the importance of the ministry as an aspect of life.

Individuals interested in reading content related to religion and spirituality might want to check church newsletters and seminary, divinity school and university libraries as well as websites related to religion and spirituality. In addition, if there are spiritual community centers or reading rooms in the area, these can also be good resources.

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