The Importance Of Urban Christian Education

By Gregory Barnes

Education seeks to teach people new things. In the process, the person learning can be exposed to some vital information that can change his or her life. It is not common to find a man who can say that he has learned all that is required of him on earth. Instead, it is easier to see someone finding more courses to learn even with two other degrees or more already obtained in the university. Whenever it is time to learn something new, always go to the right place so as to get the best of it. If you want some urban Christian education, for example, you are obliged to go to where the teachers have been certified.

This type of education is needful for everyone even though most people say that it is most needful for a child. A sound Christian education, which is based on Bible principles, can make a child grow up in the way he should. This has an advantage to both himself and the people around him. Parents who send their children to centers where Christian virtues are thought don't regret it.

Children who go through Bible-based education programs are more truthful than their counterparts who haven't been exposed to such. As they grow up, they become stronger in the faith and do not need to tell a lie even if it presents some immediate benefits. As a result, parents feel fulfilled having raised honest children and they don't understand it when their friends complain about their children's insincerity.

Such kids when they grow up can be more useful to the society. Anyone of them that assumes a political position would be likened to a righteous man who rules over a city and makes the people rejoice. He won't be involved in corruption cases such as money laundering and fighting for selfish ambitions.

The benefits also extend to the immediate family. When there are two or more children at home, there is usually fights and envy in their first few years. This is not the case in families whose children are given Bible-based training early in life.

When people are arrested for driving under the influence of drugs, kidnapping or blackmailing, it is not possible to see someone who was given a Christian training to be among them. As a matter of fact, such children are more inclined to being priests rather than being agents of societal problems. Apart from enrolling for the priesthood, they can become dedicated church workers because they find it easier to relate with the Lord.

It is not as if they would learn only the Bible. Of course, the institution knows that they need more than this. Their classes are mixed with subjects such as mathematics and arts so that they can easily adapt if they seek to pursue a degree in the university.

It would be an anomaly to send your child to a Christian education center whose teachers don't have the right to give Bible-based teachings. It is better to find a place where the teachers are born again as it becomes easier for them to also teach by example. If some old institutions are not functional in this aspect, parents should try the new ones after making all the necessary inquiries.

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