Get A Better Grasp Of What It Means To Achieve A Proper Jewish Conversion

By Rabbi Celso Cukierkorn

The question to convert or not, starts off when a person has interest in another religion. There can be a number of different reasons for this, one of them being for relationship purposes, where a person has the desire to convert the whole family, to people looking to get a spiritual boost and then start to study Judaism. There are many people who look into Jewish conversion, as it is a subject of great interests.

Interests can gather from reading, attending a Jewish ceremony, discussing it with family, taking out books or videos and also sometimes hearing lectures. It does not matter what the reasons are for wanting to convert, they all start with exploring Judaism. Sometimes it just starts with something as simple as wondering if converting is the right thing.

There are a millions of people around the world who have decided to follow this religion. The United States, Israel and the Soviet Union are the most known countries that have quite a lot of followers.

Jews believe in one God only, which in their religion is called Monotheism. Numerous religions known all over the world today came from Judaism. Natural Jews do not always appreciate the idea of converting, but if the person can prove their loyalty and stay true to the religion, they will consider it.

According to this religion, God made a deal with Abraham, which is called a covenant. Followers believe themselves to be descendants of Abraham. The agreement between God and Abraham would mean that they will receive affection and protection as long as they abide by the rules of the religion.

The anointed one, which is the Messiah according to this belief, will come to earth and lead all the Jews people to the Kingdom of God. We follow our own ways and are completely independent form other religious groups.

Every congregation, although not all of them, have a spiritual leader called a rabbi, who is responsible for running the affairs, but unlike other religions, Judaism does not have a single international spiritual leader who would be the equivalent of the pope for example. This religion has its own universities established all over the world to train rabbis. Each congregation has its own traditions, rules and beliefs of what the Jewish law holds.

Children can also undergo a Jewish conversion, as in some families where the mother is not of the religion but the father is, the child will be considered a Jew and will engage in activities that relate to Judaism, although some congregations will not redeem the child as legally Jewish. Depending on the rules and laws of the specific congregation, parents of these children can convert them if they wish to do so. Some can convert by having a rabbi perform a naming ceremony and others will have to go through more physical measures such as circumcision.

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