Safety Precaution Whenever Dating Anybody For The First Time

By Mikeal A Barnet

I met up with a guy on Facebook to whom I had been quickly attracted. Soon after our very first discussion, I found myself trading messages with him really often. Before I knew it, I had promptly agreed to his own proposition that we two get together for some afternoon coffee.

Thank heavens for a best friend whose excess of street smarts compensates for the lack of mine. Just before I was to meet 'Facebook guy' personally, Em literally compelled me to sit my butt down and seek out the ideal defense spray for women on the Net.

She says self defense spray is non-lethal and will not result in permanent damage. Crooks shouldn't get any funny ideas, though, as this will disable for 15 to 45 minutes to give you a chance to get away and dial 9-1-1.

What happens there is this blocks the airways along with generates a horrible burning experience onto the skin and in the eyes. Furthermore, strong self defense sprays inflame the eyes into closing and also induce persistent coughing and gagging.

Em would know. She keeps a tiny pepper spray on her person always. This kind isn't any trouble to pocket, move around with as well as especially conceal inside your own hand, so that an assailant can become blindsided by your form of personal defense.

For meeting a mystery person, she did not advise her little spray can but instead a camouflaged pepper spray. The looks of it, not the size, does the job of covering it from possible predators. The second they drop their guard, it is possible to strike unopposed.

On the Internet, Em directed the way to a lipstick self defense spray. This is a personal protection spray pretending to be a 1/2 oz. tube of lipstick, precisely, in choices of silver, black, blue, pink and red. How cool is that? Its 20 half-second bursts can get to 10 feet.

Well, it isn't the best pepper spray for women typically because not every women put on lipstick constantly. On a date, all women do. If it were a date just like the one I was having, then that lipstick had better be a savior of some kind.

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