Saving Your Relationship During A Mercury Retrograde

By Lou Raedwulfe

Mercury Retrograde in now in full force, so watch your communications with your partner during this time period. Its bound to affect even the strongest of relationships as this one is powerful indeed. With Neptune and Pluto also in retrograde, this retrograde of the Messenger packs a punch for the until the end of August.

When Mercury is in its retrograde motion, you can expect some frustration, especially when it comes to communicating effectively. There can be delays in travel, misunderstandings of all types, and endings in relationships be it personal or career.

If you are a social media bug, then you are forewarned to be careful what and how you say things to the outside world. You may send messages of importance to the wrong person or a group of people. Mercury has long been known as the trickster and this is no exception.

Where we, as individuals, notice its impact the most is in our relationships with family and friends. It is very important during this time to think before you speak and also to really listen to what is being said to you. If you'll slow your thinking down a bit, and take some deep breaths, this will give you a chance to review what has been said.

Mercury the Messenger sends us the energy to get along with each other. When it goes into retrograde, communication breaks down on many levels. It becomes the messenger of deceit and distorts the truth causing us to misunderstand and sometimes react to others in a negative manner. This puts stress on the relationship and causes instability.

A Mercury retrograde can cause blurred perception and unclear thinking. If you find yourselves suddenly not getting along and crazy words go between you, stop before it escalates. This is a very common attribute of Mercury during its backward motion through the heavens.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that the spoken word, which includes email, tweets and social media sites, can be taken the wrong way. What we say may be taken in a totally different way than we had intended. Electronic communication can easily go wrong; think before you speak or write.

If you can muster the courage, try to put off any really important issues until this time passes as this would be a very smart thing to do. It is also best to talk things out, if you have to, when you are in the presence of the other person or people to avoid electronic transmission difficulties.

5 Tips on Keeping Your Relationship Intact During a Mercury Retrograde:

1. Try to have face-to-face discussions

2. Put off important discussions until this retrograde passes

3. Be careful what and how you say things to others

4. Check all of your texts and emails before sending them

5. Be proactive; emotions can get out of control

Remember Mercury is a tricky planet and emotions can run haywire for several weeks. Just know that once Mercury begins to chug forward again, your negative emotions and ability to communicate clearly will improve dramatically. Just slow down and take a breather until it passes. Things will be back to normal before you know it. As, always, you'll be glad you waited until Mercury retrograde Mercury retrograde was over.

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