Keeping Your Handmade Swarovski Necklace Sparkling And Beautiful For A Long Time

By Stacey Burt

To enjoy your personal ornament with crystals for a really long time, you should give it the kind of caring it deserves. Any handmade Swarovski necklace is susceptible to ending up damaged because it is made using traditional methods. Simply by storing it properly and safeguarding it from harm, your beautiful investment can be of service to you for so many years.

A very important thing to bear in mind is your beautiful personal ornament should be put around your neck after you are through with the application of cosmetic products. The harsh ingredients of perfumes, colognes, deodorants, hairspray and lotion can ruin both the metal plating and the sheen of the crystals. It is safe to wear your lovely necklaces as soon as you are done applying some essentials.

You should also put it only after you have worn your clothes. This is done to save the lustrous surface of the individual crystals from bumping or scratching against zippers, buttons, pins and other metal parts. Likewise, you should remember to remove you fashion accessory first before you begin to undress to make sure that the crystals are kept out of harm's way.

Swarovski fashion items tend to come with padded boxes. Do not throw away the container of the item you just bought because this doubles as an excellent storage space. You may also place the beautiful personal accessory in a pouch out of velvet, silk or any other soft material. Keeping it in a pouch is recommended especially if you wish to take the personal ornament with you during your travels.

Keep the item away from direct sunlight as well as appliances that generate a lot of heat. Also, remember to store it in a cool and dry place most especially if the item consists of silver that is prone to tarnishing. A fashion accessory with silver components is best kept in an airtight container. You may also simply throw in a piece of anti-tarnish paper inside your chosen storage space to delay tarnishing.

The personal ornament can be a complete head-turner if it's gleaming. Don't get too excited and attempt to clean the crystals with glass cleaner or jewelry polishing solution. What you should do instead is grab a piece of cotton or microfiber cloth to bring back the lost gleam of the crystals. When facing stubborn dirt and grime, you may use baby wipes on the surface to eliminate the problem.

It is a good idea to polish your prized possession whenever you have the time. Don't forget to wipe off the crystals right after wearing the necklace and before you stash it in the jewelry box. Try to do your best to keep the eye-catching sparkle intact. This can be done simply by removing your necklace before you swim, take a bath, clean the house, engage in sports or workout at the gym.

Although it's true that Swarovski crystals are made of top-notch glass, they should not be assumed as indestructible. Hard contact against surfaces may cause them to chip, break or shatter. Giving your treasured item the kind of love and care it requires will let you enjoy it for a very long time, enabling you to appear dazzling and stylish whenever it is placed around the neck.

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