Important Functions Of Prophetic Ministries

By Roger Stewart

When serving in any office in the church, one is expected to give all his or her commitment to service. People are gifted differently, and all are commissioned to work for the unity of church and edification of the body of Christ now the church. You are supposed to be serving each other for the glory of God. Here are some essential functions of prophetic ministries.

The first thing is bringing revelations to the church. This ministry makes the word of Christ live and makes it effectual in the life of people. It is transformed from just a word to live and powerfully to change a life. They make it applicable to many people. When people are given the thoughts of God on a particular subject, it becomes more touching affecting their lives as God wants.

Importantly, they lead to spiritual authority. This works to ensure no any other kind of authority can take the place of God in lives of the believers. It is possible for another power to take control of members of the church and even lead them astray in the absence of prophetic ministry. This is because there is no gift to reveal before the influence takes effect.

They prepare the church for spiritual breakthrough in a given mission. This could be a project the church is about to undertake or planning to implement. God will bring forth a word before the real commencing of the work to give them strength and prepare them adequately to take the roles. It would also something that God wants them.

Personal prophecy is part of major operations as well. This is seen when a word of Christ is revealed to them but meant for a particular person, not all the people. It could answer to prayers or something that has been bothering the person in their normal life. This role is essential as it gives the members assurance of Christ intervention in their affairs and faith issues.

Likewise, they lead people from sin to holiness. This is where they warn people of their sinful ways and call them to repentance. They give the direction that they should follow and lead their intercession with the backup of members. They dictate direction on what God wants for them to heal from a given calamity or catastrophic event that may be seen as subject to their sinfulness.

They also challenge the false tradition of various religions that claim to have power over God. In this case, they may bring a challenge before them in which when they fail they agree to turn to the true God and follows His ways rather than of the other religion. They dare other false prophets into performing some function and demonstrate the power of Christ to challenge them.

They are stewards of mysteries of the Almighty in the nation or church. They would strand to explain things affecting the group and offer a solution through the help of God. Through this process, people can know what role to play and what to keep ahead as well as what to release. This may bring relief to a nation grieved or stricken by a calamity.

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