For Non-Partisan Political Information Do Not Go To The Dominant Media

By Paulette Short

People have, for many years, believed all of the information they heard in the news. This does not matter whether it is printed or broadcast on the TV or radio. They used to research in an effort to get it right. Now they simply repeat what is told to them by the political party they like and let it be the news and let it be the way it is supposed to be. Non-partisan political information has gone by the way side in all of the dominant media.

When one side of the aisle will tell the reporters something and they simply repeat it without checking it out, there is no accountability. There is no investigative research and there is certainly no rational thinking about what any of it means. There is no integrity when a demonstrable lie is propped up as the truth and the final authority on the subject.

Global warming, cooling or climate change, whatever the current words or phrase is, is treated as if the debate is over. There is no talk of the many thousands of scientists who have very solid facts disputing this issue. The media hand picks the spokes people from the ranks of those who would have us scared to death of carbon dioxide.

A lot of the other purely political information has to do with many of the other issues that arise from the US Constitution. The first amendment is under attack by those who enjoy a very good media following. The dominant media has an almost universal visceral dislike for the second amendment. They have to because the side that does not want regular people to have weapons are the ones feeding them data because they are unwilling to discover it themselves.

When most of the press report on debates, they seldom get it right. They are in the tank for one side of the debate and will not give the other side any points for anything. They will dwell on those emotional talking points and ignore any factual deliberation, calling them wedge issues. This takes the whole idea of debates into a level that used to only be seen on the playground.

Getting correct, factual information should be easy if you are paying attention to what is being said. Ignore emotions, listen actively and pay attention to those things that are not blanket statements. Look at some of the websites that tell you they are non partisan and see who is writing the content. Most of the sites that suggest they are not partisan will give themselves away by supporting one candidate or policy over others.

The press, for all of its high and mighty declarations of objectivity has none. When they agree with politicians that the US Constitution is something that breathes, lives and changes, they are not stating facts and do not know what they are saying. Knowing what is right and wrong is the best way to determine what use and value the average newspaper has to your learning.

Non-partisan political information is just that. It does not support one side over the other. It only supports the truth in its rawest form. This type of information will take the wind out of the sails of both sides of an argument.

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