Do You Need To Speak Japanese To Meet Girls In Japan?

By Kaku Nanashi

It is not absolutely necessary for you to speak Japanese in order to do well with Japanese girls. Many of my friends are absolute lady killers, yet they can barely operate their microwaves. They are testaments to the universal language of confidence.

But bear in mind, don't think that you can be lazy with your language game. Conversing in Japanese is undoubtedly and tremendously beneficial given that it exponentially increases the amount of chicks you can talk to. English education here is godawful. Moreover, the majority of Japanese girls can barely respond to "How are you?" without getting nervous. If you do not speak Japanese, you are precluding yourself from a very large slice of the beautiful girls in Japan. I imagine this is true for any country, however, it is without a doubt most visible in Asian nations that have low percentages of competent English speakers.

Speaking Japanese and English proficiently will open you to the large number of Japanese girls that want to speak English, but cannot. You are the manifestation of their multilingual fantasies, which is another reason for them to meet you for drinks as opposed to flaking on you in traditional J-girl style. The romantics amongst you may balk at the thought of girls dating you for free English lessons, but hey, this kind of exchange happens all the time. You might as well use it to your advantage. I am positive plenty of you reading this today have acquaintances who you wouldn't associate with if it wasn't for their one particular skill-set that you value enough to endure their of their foolishness.

Additionally, even with what you might have learnt, most Japanese girls who can use English still want to converse using Japanese and a hopeless or merely troublesome language barrier is a ground for dismissal. Japanese girls usually at least contemplate the thought of a long term relationship, and that thought ends up being more daydream than reality if you aren't able to string enough words together to have a conversation.

If you're still not sold on learning the language, another factor to consider is that you will be competing with other lazy foreigners for girls who already speak good English. Your lack of language ability will preclude you from social scenes where Japanese is a must, thus confining you to the foreigner scene. Girls who frequent the foreigner scene do so because they prefer to behave more like Westerners, which takes the fun out of international dating in my opinion.

A word of caution for the Japanophiles: Japanese girls will not get dirty with you just because you can read Shonen Jump. A out of shape, poorly dressed fella is unnoticeable to girls no matter how many obscure prefectural dialects he can ape. I ought to know, that used to be me.

To summarize, you don't have to know Japanese to get girls in Japan, but having the ability to will make the process a lot easier. If you intend to be in Japan for longer than a fortnight, I advise you to get busy with the studying.

Don't forget, "Can you help me read this?" is a fantastic opening line.

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