An Overview Of Telepsychiatry For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

By Annabelle Holman

Individuals who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder and live in remote areas can now receive psychiatric services through telepsychiatry . It is a kind of treatment that uses live video conferencing to provide psychiatric care at a distance. Telepsychiatry for post-traumatic stress disorder is proving to be an effective way of treating the illness.

The first use of telepsychiatry was during 1950s in Nebraska Psychiatric Institute wherein it was used as a teaching aide. After a decade, researchers at University of Nebraska learned that patients and their families were responsive to it. In Dartmouth Medical School researchers found that this method was not only good in establishing rapport with patients but also in establishing useful collaboration among psychiatrists.

In the year 1994, around sixteen programs were already utilizing this method. In 1997, more than twenty five programs were already utilizing it. Nowadays, this method is widely being used and it is still continuing to be used because it is extremely convenient to both the psychiatrist and the patient.

Although it has been accepted already, it is still slowly becoming more and more popular. In fact, there are many people who have been diagnosed with thi condition who have said that they were able to reduce their symptoms because of this treatment. Even though nothing beats face to face treatment, this can still be a good alternative just in case the former is not available.

Most patients diagnosed with PTSD states that using this method is a good option. They state that the doctor can discern the problems and the medications they need amidst the absence of face to face connection. Moreover, they said that it gave them access to psychiatric services without traveling three hundred kilometers at least once a month.

Now another factor that one would have to take into consideration is that people who are diagnosed with this are afraid to travel and go to congested places. Now it is here where this type of method can be very useful. In order for these patients to avoid reinforcing this fear, this type of method will enable the doctor to be able to still see the patient even though they are miles away.

Aside from the convenience video conferencing provides, it is also proving to be boosting the adherence of patients to the therapy and lowering the cost carried by institutions. There are fewer cancellations of patients in video conferencing as compared to in person treatment. Also, it would cost institutions less if they treat patients via video conferencing. One ongoing cost analysis shows that it would cost around 94,000 dollars treating a hundred patients via video sessions and 106,000 dollars treating them in person.

Telepsychiatry, as a growing form of treating this condition, is breaking through the barriers in treatment and is proving to be highly effective. It is a breakthrough that is improving the treatment of patients, the collaboration of medical practitioners and the community of psychiatry. More importantly it is showing potential in leaving a profound positive effect in the lives of people suffering from PTSD.

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