The Time When Will The Rapture Happen

By Rosella Campbell

In relation to the tribulation, a time will come for the rapture and different churches have different views in relation to the timing. Let us find more about when will the rapture happen. The occurrence is primarily viewed in three different ways. One it will occur before tribulation, second it will occur at the midpoint of tribulation and finally it will occur at the end of tribulation.

There is also another fourth view which is said to be the pre-wrath. All these views need a deep understanding of the purpose of tribulation. According to the bible in the book of Daniel there is seven years which is yet to come. Daniel speaks to the people of Israel as a nation. He tells them that this time they would meet the angels in the clouds as they sing with trumpets.

In the book of Thessalonians, both the living and the dead believers will meet Christ in the air. While in book of revelation, God has spoken through prophet and says that there would be wrath which would bring with it salvation. God promises his people that they shall not suffer wrath but he will protect them from all through the tribulation period

There would be movement of all believers from the earth and meet in the air as saints and Christ be on the way to claim the bride. The church shall be moved from tribulation period and get comfort message. This shall happen as a mystery and the believers be rewarded and judged at the same time.

The trumpet shall sound in a twinkling of an eye and we shall see it a as a mystery. All the dead shall rise and be changed. This should be the second coming of Christ. The born again Christians will meet Christ. Those who were born again but dead would resurrect and transform from being mortal to immortal. They will be alive and have God spirit in them.

Only God has the secret for this time and hour. Nobody knows the day and the hour for the second coming of Christ Jesus. The bible in the New Testament speaks about the words that Christ spoke while in mount olive to his disciples. He says that even himself is not aware of time nor the day but only God knows. There will be events which would be terrifying such as rumors of wars, wars and earthquakes.

The Lord shall come like a thief during the night . He will rescue his people and peace shall prevail. As the children of light and believers we shall know the hour of the coming of the lord Jesus. Those living in darkness shall be surprised . The believers shall be able to tell the signs and those times.

As the time draws nearer, we shall be able to read those signs. The harvest time for our God shall be then. Jesus Christ time to harvest. Therefore we should be ready for his coming any time and repent our sins. Make sure that our lives are in line with Gods teachings since the day is drawing near.

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